Helpful Domain FAQs
What is a "whois" query? A "whois" query is a standardized
way of obtaining information from a registrar's or registry's database. Previously, when there was a single registrar, a domain name "whois" query would show the owner and
other contacts for a registered domain name.
Registrant The entity that has legal rights to use the domain name and is listed as the domain owner. Can also be any of the
three contacts below
Contact Records or Contact IDs . There are three types of Contacts:
* Administrative * Technical
* Billing.
The entity listed as the Administrative, Technical, or Billing Contact is an individual or 'role' that is contacted in matters relating to the domain
name. They also have the ability to Modify information pertaining to a domain name. A "Contact" may be a single person, a company, or organization. Can also be the registrant.
Registrar An entity which acts on behalf of a Registrant regarding original domain name registration, transfers or contact/DNS modifications. The Registrar is the entity which
submits and maintains the Registrants domain name with the Registry database. Registrants are required to use a Registrar to register a domain name. The Launch Pad will be the registrar when
you register the domain through us.
Hosting Provider This is the organization that provides you server space to put your website and run e-mail associated with your
domain. Can be the same entity as the registrar The Launch Pad can provide both registration services for your domain. While registration is usually paid for annually or less
often, hosting services are usually billed quarterly or monthly..
is DNS or "Domain Name Service" This is system that is used to translate domain names into IP Addresses. IP Addresses are needed by the internet and your internet
service provider in order for you to access a site. Your hosting company usually provides these. If you host your domain with The Launch Pad, DNS will be provided automatically at no
What about "Free" Domain Names? Some web sites advertise "free" domain names. While they do not charge you directly, they
submit the registrations to a registrar, usually Network Solutions, which bills you for the registration fee. So you still must pay for the domain name.