Seniors and Computers - A Few Facts:
• 74% of those 65 and over do not have Internet access and 50% of those between the ages of 50 and 64 do not go online. In comparison, 65% of those under age 30 have Internet access. Source: Pew • Americans 65 and older are the lowest users of the Internet. Only 16% (5.6 million out of 34.7 million) regularly use the Internet, compared to a overall national average of 44%, and 32% for kids, 55% for teenagers and 94% for college students. Source: Jupiter Communications, Assessing the Digital Divide, May 24, 2000
• Only 1 in 5 people over age 70 have ever used a computer. Only 15% of people over 70 can access the Internet.
• One in 10 seniors who do not have Internet access at home or work say that they sometimes access the Internet from another location such as a friends’ or relatives’ house or a public library.
• 78% of people over age 70 said they would be more inclined to use a computer if they knew someone would be there to help them along the way. Source: Dell/Bruskin Goldring. Older Americans and Computer Use, Quick Facts, May 11, 1999
The Golden Apple Program can help you attract new residents, improve the quality of life for those residents and make strides toward closing the gap in the digital divide.
For complete program details please contact Ilene Rosoff, Golden Apple Program Coordinator at or 813-448-1700 extension 206